Kings Mountain

Difficult (to Kings Mountain)

5 miles round trip

2780 feet elevation gain

Difficult (to Elk Mountain)

3.2 miles round trip

2000 feet elevation gain

Very difficult (both peaks)

10.9-mile loop

4100 feet elevation gain

Steep, rugged trails climb to sweeping Coast Range viewpoints atop Kings Mountain and neighboring Elk Mountain.  In May and June, wildflowers brighten the upper ridges. Below, ancient snags and regrowing forests recall the Tillamook Burn fires of the 1930s and 1940s.  For an athletic challenge, connect the two summits via a ridgecrest hiking route, partly on abandoned roads.

To find the Kings Mountain trailhead, drive . . .

To find the Elk Mountain trailhead, drive . . .

This chapter is an excerpt from 100 Hikes : Oregon Coast