Sutton Mountain
7.6 miles round trip
1650 feet elevation gain
Open mid-March through November
Use: hikers, horses
Recent land exchanges have created a large enough patch of public land here, in the arid meadowed mountains beside the Painted Hills, that Congress may designate Sutton Mountain as a new Wilderness area. In the meantime, hike to a cliff-edge summit viewpoint to see what's at stake.
Spring is the best time to visit, when lupine and even hedgehog cactus bloom on these slopes. The flower show peaks from late April to late June. Fall is also nice. Avoid midsummer's blazing heat. Whenever you come, bring a sense of adventure and sturdy boots because the upper part of the route involves cross-country travel on uneven terrain.
Start by driving Highway 26 . . . . . . Eventually the ancient roadbed will again become visible; follow it as it angles up to the right to a pass with view west to Mt. Jefferson. But the views are even better if you bushwhack up to the left along the rimrock cliff edge . . .
This chapter is an excerpt from 100 Hikes: Eastern Oregon