Mitchell Point

Moderate (to Mitchell Point)

2.2 miles round trip

1040 feet elevation gain

Open all year

Moderate (to lower Wygant Peak viewpoint)

6.2 miles round trip

1300 feet elevation gain

The old Columbia River Highway once tunneled 390 feet through Mitchell Point in an elegant, arched gallery hewn from solid rock. Views from the cliff “windows” spanned the Columbia Gorge to Dog Mountain.  Although a much-regretted 1966 demolition order destroyed the tunnel, a freeway overlook recaptures the old view, and a rugged little trail climbs to an even better viewpoint atop Mitchell Point’s stony crest. For a longer hike, follow an abandoned section of the old highway west to a viewpoint on the flank of Wygant Peak.

From Cascade Locks take Interstate . . .

This chapter taken from the book 100 Hikes: Northwest Oregon