Paulina Falls
Easy (to falls viewpoints)
1.6 miles round trip
300 feet elevation gain
Open late June to late October
Easy (to McKay Crossing)
5.6 miles round trip
500 feet elevation gain
Open except after winter storms
Use: hikers, horses, bicycles
Difficult (entire trail)
16.6-mile loop
2050 feet elevation gain
Paulina Creek spills from a caldera lake high in the Newberry National Volcanic Monument, tumbles down the volcano's slopes in a series of waterfalls, and meanders across the high desert. The 8.5-mile trail tracing the stream is a bit long for a day hike, so most hikers focus on shorter segments -- either exploring the spectacular summer viewpoints up a Paulina Falls, or strolling along the lower creek where trails are usually snow-free even in winter. . . .
Other Options
Perhaps the best shuttle option for this hike is . . .
This chapter is an excerpt from 100 Hikes: Eastern Oregon