Tualatin Hills Parks
Easy (Tualatin Hills)
4.5-mile loop
100 feet elevation gain
Open all year
Use: hikers, bicycles
Easy (Cooper Mountain)
2.2-mile loop
250 feet elevation gain
The two largest preserves of the Tualatin Hills park district are oases of wildness in Beaverton’s suburbia. They’re close enough you might visit both in a day.
Start with the 222-acre Tualatin Hills Nature Park—once a Catholic school’s private preserve known as St. Mary’s Woods. Here you can step off a MAX train and stroll for two hours past lilypad ponds, cedar groves, and marsh birds without once seeing a city street. Then drive 5 miles south to Cooper Mountain, where a new nature park with far-ranging views has restored a native oak savannah with spring wildflowers. Dogs are not allowed in either park and bicycles are limited to the few paved paths.
To find Tualatin Hills Nature Park . . .
This chapter taken from the book 100 Hikes: Northwest Oregon