Table of Contents
Trails of Crater Lake & Oregon Caves
Introduction 6
CRATER LAKE National Park 13
Geology of Crater Lake 15
History of Crater Lake 22
A Visit to Crater Lake 33
1. Annie Creek 42
2. Godfrey Glen 44
3. Lady of the Woods 46
4. Castle Crest 48
5. Garfield Peak 50
6. Discovery Point 52
7. Dutton Creek 54
8. Lightning Spring 56
9. The Watchman 58
10. Cleetwood Cove 60
11. Wizard Island & Fumarole Bay 62
12. Mount Scott 64
13. Plaikni Falls 66
14. The Pinnacles 68
15. Sun Notch 70
A Visit to Oregon Caves 73
Wildlife Identification Guide 76
Wildflower Identification Guide 77
16. Crater Peak 82
17. Stuart Falls 84
18. Union Peak 86
19. Pacific Crest Trail 88
20. Boundary Springs 90
OREGON CAVES National Mon’t 92
Geology of Oregon Caves 95
History of Oregon Caves 97
21. Cave Tour & Cliff Nature Trail 100
22. Cave Creek & No Name Loop 102
23. Big Tree 104
24. Bigelow Lakes & Mount Elijah 106
Index 108
About theAuthor 111
About the Natural History Association 112
This is the table of contents from Trails of Crater Lake National Park & Oregon Caves Nationa Monument by William L. Sullivan.