North Fork John Day River
Easy (to Bigfoot Hilton)
5.2 miles round trip
350 feet elevation gain
Open May through November
Use: hikers, horses
Difficult (to Crane Creek)
13.5-mile loop
1280 feet elevation gain
Deep in the Blue Mountain’s gold rush country, the 24.6-mile North Fork John Day River Trail traces a wilderness river through a rimrock canyon dotted with the decaying log cabins of ancient prospects. To sample the scenery, hike 2.6 miles downriver from the North Fork John Day Campground to the “Bigfoot Hilton,” a cabin featured in William L. Sullivan’s adventure narrative, Listening for Coyote. If you’re on horseback, or if you don’t mind wading across the chilly river, continue on a 13.5-mile loop that follows a side canyon back to your starting point.
To drive here from . . .
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For a longer trip, continue . . .
This chapter is an excerpt from 100 Hikes: Eastern Oregon