Table of Contents

Oregon Favorites

Introduction.................................................................. 6

MARCH in Oregon......................................................... 8

1. Skiing Crater Lake’s Rim.................................... 9

2. Portland’s Aerial Tram...................................... 14

3. Sweet Creek Falls................................................... 18

4. The Modocs’ Stronghold.............................. 20

5. Thompson’s Mills................................................... 24

6. Bewildering Berley Lakes............................. 28

APRIL in Oregon......................................................... 34

7. Oneonta Gorge................................................... 35

8. Astoria’s Two Centuries................................ 37

9. Good News for Badlands............................... 40

10. Table Rocks’ Fortress.................................... 44

MAY in Oregon......................................................... 50

11. Cape Horn Preserved..................................... 51

12. Clark at Tillamook Head............................ 54

13. Zumwalt Prairie................................................... 58

14. Going Down at Oregon Caves................ 62

15. Emerging at Tamolitch Pool........................ 66

16. Western Oregon Hot Springs................... 70

JUNE in Oregon........................................................... 74

17. Scout Camp Trail............................................... 75

18. Dog Mountain....................................................... 78

19. Pine Mountain’s Stars....................................... 81

20. Floras Lake & Blacklock Point.................... 84

21. Horsepasture Mountain................................... 88

22. The Hart of the Desert................................... 90

JULY in Oregon.............................................................. 96

23. Five Trails to McNeil Point............................. 97

24. Lakeless in McCully Basin............................... 100

25. Mt. St. Helens: Return to Ground Zero..... 104

26. Dangerous Romance at Salishan............... 108

27. Eye of the Storm at Canyon Creek........... 112

28. Eagle Creek: The Wallowas’ Back Door... 116

AUGUST in Oregon.................................................... 120

29. Retreat of the Glaciers................................ 121

30. Carl & Table Lakes......................................... 126

31. The Pinnacle Ridge Trail.............................. 130

32. Scaling South Sister..................................... 134

33. Plaikni Falls.............................................. 138

34. Diamond Peak.......................................... 140

35. Love of Lava: The Black Wilderness........ 144

SEPTEMBER in Oregon................................ 150

36. Rim With a View at Broken Top............... 151

37. Timberline Lodge..................................... 155

38. Enchanted at Tahkenitch Dunes............... 158

39. The Riddles of Steens Mountain............... 162

40. Huckleberrying at Divide Lake................. 168

41. Memories at Jefferson Park...................... 171

OCTOBER in Oregon.................................... 178

42. Why It’s Whychus.................................... 179

43. Sisters Rocks............................................ 182

44. Hot Springs of the High Desert................. 185

45. Forgotten Irish Mountain.......................... 190

NOVEMBER in Oregon................................. 196

46. Lights at Shore Acres ............................... 197

47. True Grit at Eight Dollar Mountain .......... 204

48. The Treasure of Hayrick Butte ................ 209

DECEMBER in Oregon................................. 214

49. Lookout at Warner Mountain.................... 214

50. Skiing Steens Mountain............................ 218

JANUARY in Oregon..................................... 222

51. Kings Valley............................................. 223

52. Three Fingered Jack ................................  227

FEBRUARY in Oregon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .232

53. Shadow of Celilo Falls ............................. 233

54. With OPB on Broken Top......................... 238

FARTHER AFIELD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244

55. By Ferry to Alaska.................................... 245

56. A Birthday in Victoria.............................. 250

57. Spirits of Mount Shasta ............................ 256

58. Yosemite for Oregonians.......................... 260

59. Volcano in a Sunny Sea.......................... . 264

60. Hut Hopping in Austria............................. 268

61. The Great Barrier Reef............................. 274

62. Aiming for the Stars................................ . 280

Index . ..........................................................  286

About the Author ..........................................  288

This is the table of contents from Oregon Favorites: Trails and Tales by William L. Sullivan.