Gales Creek
Thimbleberry (Rubus parviflorus)
Difficult (to Coast Range summit)
7.2-mile loop
1200 feet elevation gain
Difficult (to Gales Creek switchback)
8.2 miles round trip
1000 feet elevation gain
At the crest of the Coast Range, where the devastating Tillamook Burn fires of 1933, 1939, and 1945 began, the regrown Tillamook State Forest has become such a popular destination that it is now divided into two recreation zones. South of Highway 6, motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles whine through the woods. North of the highway, however, non-motorized recreation reigns. Sample this quieter area on a new network of trails at Gales Creek.
Drive Highway 6 to . . .
Two trails start here . . .
This chapter is an excerpt from 100 Hikes : Oregon Coast