East Zigzag Mountain

Moderate (to East Zigzag)

8-mile loop

1700 feet elevation gain

Open mid-May to mid-November

Use: hikers, horses

Difficult (to East and West Zigzag)

11.4-mile loop

2400 feet elevation gain

The meadow atop East Zigzag Mountain offers a full frontal view of Mt. Hood and glimpses of four more distant Cascade peaks. From the trailhead in Devil Canyon you can hike to East Zigzag’s summit via either of two loops: a moderate route or a more difficult loop that extends along a ridgecrest to West Zigzag’s lookout site. In either case it’s tempting to take the short, nearly level detour to Cast Lake, a nice lunch stop.

To find the trailhead from Portland, take Highway . . .

Excerpt from 100 Hikes in Northwest Oregon & Southwest Washington.