Mysteries of Mt. St. Helens

Mysteries of Mt. St. Helens

A slide show presentation by

William L. Sullivan

Northwest author William L. Sullivan helps us unravel the mysteries that shroud Washington’s most violent volcano, from the native “Bridge of the Gods” legend and Sasquatch to D.B. Cooper and the 1980 blast. Expect insights into more recent puzzles too -- the transformation of the Hummocks, the hot waterfall in the crater mouth, and the vanishing “chocolate” creeks near Ape Cave.

Sullivan has written a dozen nonfiction books about the Northwest and four novels, including “The Case of D.B. Cooper’s Parachute” and a popular “100 Hikes” guidebook for Southwest Washington. His journal of the 1000-mile hike he took across Oregon in 1985, “Listening for Coyote,” was chosen by the New York Times as one of top travel books of the year.

Loowit Falls, a hot waterfall in the mouth of Mt. St. Helens' crater

A statue of Sasquatch

FBI sketch of D.B. Cooper

Author William L. Sullivan